Your Beauty? Your Aesthetic?

beach woman sunrise silhouette
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          My Becoming Beautiful

As a teenager, my vision of becoming beautiful was a tall, hourglass figure with long flowing brown hair.  As a child of God, I am discovering that beauty is God’s inner calm spirit within me.  It is his radiance of strength and love that makes me beautiful.

The above is a profound statement for a woman who spent years searching for love from outward adornment and flattering lips.  By the time I reached my early thirties, I had convinced myself that I had no self-esteem.

It was self-worth that I was missing.  I had no concept of my personal and private rights. The results of verbal, physical and sexual abuse defined the inner torment in my soul.  Fear and procrastination were my silent middle names.

Glory be to God!  Join me in a search for that extra measure of spiritual courage that lies dormant in your soul.

Courage to step into a Sacred Oasis of safety where you will discover your personal and spiritual aesthetic.

When I began my spiritual journey

I was in great turmoil over a


I was unhappy

and lonely

I asked God for peace of mind.

I didn’t ask him to change the


just for peace

he gave me what I asked for

he gave me


Can you appreciate and respect beauty outside yourself?  Also, in the way, another person expresses their aesthetic without judgment?

Your aesthetic is inner and outer beauty.
Your aesthetic is a unique, individual and spiritual expression of beauty expressed through your appearance, your tone of voice, your self-awareness, your mannerisms and your spirituality.

A New Day is on the Horizon

Understanding yourself and your world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a life of purpose and happiness.

As your Spiritual Life Coach, I am humbly committed to helping you live a happy, fulfilled life based on spiritual practices that will teach you

“Unforced Rhythms of Grace”

You may discover that you have a profound purpose and all the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your right path.

On The Journey With Ya!              -angela