Can you hear anything?

me smilng

I wonder how do you get through your days when life gets a little stale  or stagnant. I wonder do you ever get board? Can you admit that you are bored or tired of the way things are going?

Do you feel powerless in your circumstances? Media tells us to use this or that to look better or feel better. Do you feel self-conscious about your body, where you live or the car you drive?

Maybe you want to change the color of your hair or you have a bald spot that you can’t pull hair over anymore?  Maybe you just got a notice that your electricity is going to be shut off or your banker just told you that your loan didn’t go through?

I know, its one of your children… Your daughter and son-in-law have been trying to have a child and nothing is happening yet. You have a brother strung out on drugs and you just don’t understand why he can’t just quit?

If your spouse would be kinder with their words then you could be kinder, Or is it that you need more money so maybe you should look for another job or go back to school? Everyone close to you tells you to stop worrying and let go. Maybe if you could help your grown son find a job he would move out.

The best thing to do is just have a drink, go on a date, get a divorce, quit the job, go on a vacation, take a day off, or get some therapy! I wonder what life would be like if you made choices that had no regrets.

Can you stop asking yourself all those questions? Can you do the right thing? What is the right thing? Who can help you do the right thing? Nobody is perfect. We all are doing something wrong, right?

Maybe we could find someone who can help? Someone who can give us the right answer and the courage to do it.

I wonder who would that be?

Can you slow down and listen…

If you sit long enough you may hear a strong, yet firm voice.

Why not give it a try?

Welcome to My Life…


IMG_2385.jpg“Happy is the one who finds wisdom and gets understanding”

“If you suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye”

“He that handles a matter wisely shall find good,

and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he”

Happy—according to Webster____

delighted, pleased, pleasure, contentment, or joy

My word for today … Happy.

I choose to be happy today.

I choose to be delighted with what my eyes behold.

I choose to be pleased with all that I am given.

I choose to find pleasure in all that I do.

I choose to be content within my circumstance.

I choose joy to swell deep in my heart.

I choose to be happy today.

I am safe and warm. I have shelter. I can see and hear and talk.

I believe happy thoughts sweep out the negatives.

I refuse to listen to but… or maybe… of what if…

In the midst of any undesirable circumstance, I choose to be GLAD!

This is the day the LORD has made. Let us be glad in it!

I have pushed through all the clutter. Now I am standing on the frontline ready to fight for the day.

This is my day. No one can take my day away. Only You Lord…

…the author and finisher of my life.

You are my strength, my hope is in you. Nothing else matters.

Yes! I choose to live victorious over all things. I can go around the obstacle. I can jump over the hurdle because you are with me. You are the keeper of my soul, my shepherd. I will want for nothing. I choose to be led to quiet places and still waters. Restore my soul, O Lord. When I am with you, I am happy.

Today, I choose happiness.

Today I choose YOU.

 “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you”

Here I am, Lord. Your servant is listening.







Fear vs. Courage


Instead of thinking fearful thoughts I’m telling myself to think thoughts of faith and courage. These words ring true in my mind in so many different ways. Thinking fear thoughts has been my default for at least 4 decades of my life.

Thinking thoughts of confidence are my ultimate challenge. I don’t like being afraid.  I can hear some of you saying, “You don’t seem fearful”.  What am I afraid of? I am not afraid of what folk will say or not say. It is in the doing or the action… taking that first step. And that’s courage, right?

When I use to drive, each time I sat behind the wheel I would say “Thank You, Jesus!” I was thankful to know how to drive. Thankful I could see. Thankful I could use my legs. Thankful I could hear other cars.

When its time for me to stand in front of folk, to speak, to pray, or to sing, I say, “Thank You, Jesus!” I’m thankful I can stand up…I’m thankful I can walk… thankful to look folk in the eye, thankful to utter a sound. Now, this takes courage. So the way I have defeated my fears is by being thankful for the ability to do the task.

I realize that so much of what I do is second nature. I am challenging myself to be mindful of each moment. Living in the NOW and not worrying about what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow. This way of thinking is courageous living. Please know that I am talking to myself. I wouldn’t ask you to consider anything that I haven’t weathered through myself.

I believe that God gives me a spirit of love and power and a sound mind.

I will not fear!

ok… thanks for listening                         -Angela t.p.







Believe In Yourself

I told my mother that I lacked self-worth once when I was in my early twenties. Her response or I should say her re profound action was that I had no reason to feel this way. Her words made me angry. I needed her to help me figure this out. My mother was a very confident, independent woman. She had no room for feelings of inferiority or self-doubt. Maybe she thought her example should have influenced me. But it didn’t at that moment.

Remembering this is helping me realize how impatient with myself I once was. Today I am taking my time to  STOP & LISTEN. I am confident that I am to let these distracting memories roll over and back to where they came from. So before I begin this day I am choosing not to doubt myself. I am choosing not to listen to my negative self-talk. I can STOP!  Help me, Lord!        Think about love?

Every morning when I rise I realize how blessed  I am to be loved by such a powerful being.

Lord Jesus, I am so privileged that You desire to have this time with me. The distracting thoughts keep coming but I refuse to let them in. I will not give up. I will stay right here with You, Lord Jesus focusing on Your love…        Here I am, Lord…   I  Hear You…  

You love me beyond understanding.

Beyond my limited comprehension and yes Lord,  I agree there is no human love comparable to your divine love. You love me without presumption or comparison—unconditionally. You don’t stand me up next to another.

I stand alone, uniquely created especially for You, by you.    You love me in my brokenness and imperfection   –in my messy spirituality.

YOU LOVE ME!       YOU FORGIVE ME! You wait for me to step away from my wounds and receive YOUR “grace embrace”.       You love me with an ever lasting love.

You love me forever!

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” –Jeremiah 31:3

Thanks, Papa…   I needed that…



Believe In Yourself




I am most definitely talking to myself. It has been over a year since I last posted on my blog. A lot has changed since then. What has not changed is my constant desire for your remaining with me on our journey. I am constantly growing and I do better with you alongside me for support and feedback. There is a lot to talk about but I wanted to greet you first and invite you back.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF will be a theme for my beginning series of posts. I see that inferiority and inadequacy interfere with attainment of my hopes, but self-confidence leads to divine success. This is where I will begin this journey again. As I develop creative faith in myself I pray that you will, too.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Philippians 4: 13)

but not without you,

Peace to you today
