Your Beauty? Your Aesthetic?

beach woman sunrise silhouette
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          My Becoming Beautiful

As a teenager, my vision of becoming beautiful was a tall, hourglass figure with long flowing brown hair.  As a child of God, I am discovering that beauty is God’s inner calm spirit within me.  It is his radiance of strength and love that makes me beautiful.

The above is a profound statement for a woman who spent years searching for love from outward adornment and flattering lips.  By the time I reached my early thirties, I had convinced myself that I had no self-esteem.

It was self-worth that I was missing.  I had no concept of my personal and private rights. The results of verbal, physical and sexual abuse defined the inner torment in my soul.  Fear and procrastination were my silent middle names.

Glory be to God!  Join me in a search for that extra measure of spiritual courage that lies dormant in your soul.

Courage to step into a Sacred Oasis of safety where you will discover your personal and spiritual aesthetic.

When I began my spiritual journey

I was in great turmoil over a


I was unhappy

and lonely

I asked God for peace of mind.

I didn’t ask him to change the


just for peace

he gave me what I asked for

he gave me


Can you appreciate and respect beauty outside yourself?  Also, in the way, another person expresses their aesthetic without judgment?

Your aesthetic is inner and outer beauty.
Your aesthetic is a unique, individual and spiritual expression of beauty expressed through your appearance, your tone of voice, your self-awareness, your mannerisms and your spirituality.

A New Day is on the Horizon

Understanding yourself and your world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a life of purpose and happiness.

As your Spiritual Life Coach, I am humbly committed to helping you live a happy, fulfilled life based on spiritual practices that will teach you

“Unforced Rhythms of Grace”

You may discover that you have a profound purpose and all the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your right path.

On The Journey With Ya!              -angela

Make This A Happy Day!


sunset beach people sunrise
Photo by Pixabay on

A few days ago I challenged you to make this a happy day. This challenge echoes in my ears. Yesterday was one of the most mental difficult days I have had to date. What was challenging about it? I never know if its MS symptoms, spiritual attack or my negligence in caring for myself. I choose not to analyze the mind warp but merely describe it as extreme disorientation that negates any form of positive thinking.

I asked the Lord for help, and he led me to my African American hymnal. I sang to the Lord OUTLOUD and sometimes off key. I pushed through it. The words of love and grace began to give me comfort and mystically release the pressure on my brain. There have been times when I used food and television to escape, but I distinctly felt an inherent resistance that gave me the strength to follow the still small voice in my heart. It was like the words “Come To Me” would not shut up.

I sang for twenty minutes. I kept turning the pages of the hymnal with more and more anticipation for discovery and release. Finally, something burst at the top of my head, and all I could say was THANK YOU JESUS! I have only experienced this relief in public worship in the past. I was revived at home alone in the Spirit for the first time. It was a real physical manifestation. I celebrated my victory by designing my greeting cards. I worshipped Jesus in gratitude for the divine ability God gives me to create deep color in images that speak beauty and peace of mind.

Today, I give this day to You, Lord Jesus. May my mind stay centered on the things of the spirit. May I not be tempted to stray from love. As I begin this day, I open my heart to receive You. Please enter where You already abide. May my mind and soul be pure and authentic, and may I not deviate from the things of goodness. I surrender to You my doings this day.

Father in heaven will you pour down healing to all my friends and family, right now. Fill them with your forgiveness, lead them down paths of righteousness and protect them from the evil one. Make us all the people you would have us to be. Direct our footsteps, and show us what you would have us to do.

Make this world a safer, more beautiful place.

Help us make this a happy day!


Come to Sacred Oasis



SACRED OASIS  is the daily space I  retreat with the Holy Spirit to revive and restore my soul. I am committed to visiting this space daily. Please know that I am a work in progress. I have traveled through many trials and weathered many storms in my six decades of living and now its time for me to share in the hope that you will be refreshed and challenged as I am and more.

I will be practicing every word that I write along with you. In my last post, I invited you to read and partner with me on a journey toward living a healthy spiritual life.

I rejoice in the reality that every day is different and every day has a purpose. I celebrate that many of you know me. I enjoy that I am living closer to my family. For these reasons, I am joyfully anticipating our growth together.

This blog is our SACRED OASIS, our GodSpace or Quiet Time to become embraced with the divine. Whether you just read and reflect for one minute or five, I hope that it will become a refuge, a relief and a pleasant change from what is our usual. Writing is my way of staying close to our Heavenly Father, walking with Jesus, listening to the Holy Spirit and caring for my friends and family.  Today I am yielding to an understanding of what SACRED OASIS can become –

By cultivating a sense of the sacred we may:

  • discover our sacred energy
  • learn to create a peaceful lifestyle by recognizing the need, daily, to cleanse our minds and bodies of negative mental habit patterns
  • prepare our nervous systems for a powerful external existence
  • prepare to serve yourself and our world more effectively
  • make spiritual practices part of our life
  • spend as much time as we can give each morning –
  • your commitment will expand your consciousness
  • renew your spirit
  • guide your thoughts throughout the day
  • through morning affirmations and meditation we prepare for the day by being cleansed each day of yesterday’s sorrow and yesterday’s pain.

Some of you may be new to the discipline of prayer, contemplation, or meditation, all are important. These are just a few of the ways we can share our journey together. I offer all that I write as a humble guide for I, too, am learning and living out these truths.

Reading spiritual literature, prayer and meditation form the backbone of our daily practice. I promise to be resourceful as well as transparent. Many have traveled this road, and there is much to learn from others.

My daughter says I am too serious and that I need to lighten up, so I will try to share a little humor within this growth process. I am a little corny, so if something is not funny, I don’t know if you’ve laughed or not.

I am looking forward to sharing life with you!  Make this a happy day!   Only you can.

On The Journey with ya!      -angela



When I was a sophomore in high school my english teacher required us to write in a journal everyday. She graded us once a week by observing that we made an entry. She didn’t read them word-for-word, she only noted the dates written. That task formed my desire to become an author. The first thing in becoming an author was to announce with no reservation that I AM A WRITER!  I have saved journals as far back as 1974 and its quite eye opeing to listen to my words from decades ago.

Through the years I have created my own obstacles that keep me from embracing my ability. I AM A WRITER. I say this with confidence. Today, I am standing firm against the strongholds that have kept from living my dream of becoming a best selling author. This desire will not happen by itself. I have to write. I am inviting you to join me in this endeavor by my making myself accountable from this day forward. You may find that you can apply this affirmation to your own budding desire.

Say it outloud!

I will find my freedom and my passion. I see my liberty and my love for expression. Where have I been, Lord? Forgive me for neglecting our time together. Father, you are so kind and loving and patient with me. My will is Your will, not my intention. I have no power alone.
In Jesus name, I ask You to restore my passion. Today, I am standing firm against the invisible wall of resistance that keeps me shut down. No more wallowing in the superficial pain of procrastination. I will live life in full force from this day forward. I will use my gifts and abilities as You wish. No longer will I suppress my energies. No longer will I negate me with doubt, and fear.

I belong to you, Heavenly Father. I am united with the Lord Jesus Christ. I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. I am pushing through the constipation of negativity. I am breaking free. I no longer hold myself a prisoner. You are breaking down the walls that surround me. I see the pathway. The prison wall is melting. You have freed my soul. I am set free to live, to soar, to create, to love, to feel passion for good. My wings are spread wide.

I am ready to fly.

Your abundant Spirit is in me.
Thank you for this miracle. I am delivered to You.




I wonder Father, did you create me for suffering? Paul said – “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings…” Paul identified with Christ through his sufferings, and so he counted them joy. I can do this. This MS that I carry like a heavy weight on my back forces me to lift up my eyes unto you. Some mornings I rise with calculated movements. Truly I am thankful. However, I can live better if I count my MS as joy – an offering unto you. I have lived my life on purpose without complaint because I profess that you are my strength. I hear you tell me to press hard toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus. And yet I see more. You say, “be anxious for nothing” I am not to worry. Since you take care of the birds of the air, I can trust that you will take care of me. I must see beyond the suffering because it does not cease. I refuse to moan and groan. There is no strength in complaining. There is strength in transcending my understanding. If I get stuck in trying to figure everything out, I become paralyzed. I want to enjoy your presence. I can do that when I don’t lean on my understanding.
When you reached your hand into the filthy mire that I had created 43 years ago, all I asked for was peace of mind. You give me peace that passes and transcends me. You move me beyond my limited thinking and into a safe space where I trust you and you only. And like Paul, I can REJOICE and rejoice again and again. The circumstance may not change, but when I look through the suffering, I see you.

I feel you carrying me.
Now I can breathe.


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Happiness is being with my daughter, Georgia and her Reggie!
Happiness is what we think, what we say, and what we do in harmony.
Many of us battle internally with how to be happy and contented in life. My quest has been to have peace of mind. I made lots of mistakes in my early twenties. I was an emotional wreck. The challenge is to maintain contentment through the circumstances of my changing life. But then, I think how can I find happiness when there is so much poverty, illness, deaths and destruction in this world, so much evil, murders, rapes, and hatred. TV news and newspaper reading are not my habits. And yet I can’t avoid facing the day-to-day personal problems, family concerns, environment corruption and world injustice.
Among all this confusion one fact no one can deny is death. We try not to think about that. I know that my life will someday end, but until then I am deciding to be happy with Jesus’ help. I am going to make a conscious effort to quickly get over the negative moments and search for experiences and people that can be a part of being happy, notice I said conscious effort.

What is Happiness?

I am sure we all define happiness according to the context of a situation. Could be when we finally peddled right or when we held our first child or the time we won a radio at a raffle or when your best friend gave you a surprise birthday party. Unfortunately, we don’t find it all the time. Here’s a definition:
Happiness is not getting what we want but wanting what we’ve got.
Mark Twain said that happiness is a feeling of contentment created when all of one’s physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual and spiritual needs have been gratified.
Well now, this definition is so long until it makes me lose my desire.☺
Let’s try Socrates – Happiness is not in having or being—it is in the doing.
The bottom line is that we understand happiness from our own experience.
Enough happy-talk to chew for now. Just a little something to think about until the next post.



“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

Do you hear the Lord speaking?

He is saying GIVE ME YOUR PLANS! I don’t have any idea on how everything in my life should unfold. This morning as I sat in my GodSpot absorbing the sun I thought that I continue to remain amazed that I live in Fort Worth, Texas. Three years ago I knew the Spirit impressed upon Ray to move to Texas to be Poppi to the grandchildren. We had no idea what being grandparents would be like. I Hear the Spirit saying that I need to give back all my plans to him, whatever I have for today and all my tomorrows.
My Child, if you let me have your day, I can intervene and give you something special. I will you more joy than you could ever imagine. I know that Jesus knows what I long for like a surprise visit to my church back in Michigan.
I hear you, Lord, asking me to give him a chance to change my plans from ordinary to extraordinary. This kind of living is what I am destined to become. I am stepping back and letting Jesus have the controls because with him at the wheel I will have complete success!
Jesus is my planner!

Loving Me?


This morning I realize that for me to write about happiness, I must love myself.
Lord, please teach me how to love myself. (Thank You Jesus)

“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” Matthew 6:21

My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and I am ready to learn to treasure my temple.
Here I am, Lord. You have chosen my body as Your dwelling place. I desire…I want…I will honor You with my body. Yes!
Honoring You with my body is a humbling thought. I want to stop self-degrading thinking. I want to appreciate my body just the way it is TODAY. RIGHT NOW!.
Yes, I am Your temple. Your Spirit lives in me! Wow.

I will not glorify myself.

I will look at my effort to maintain weight loss as a response to God’s call on my life to be an encourager.
I do not need to attract a man or to win approval. From this day forward I will approach my sense of taste as a way to honor You, my Lord, with my body.
When I feel healthy, and in control of what I eat I am an active witness of Your love; a living testimony of Your truth. I will not let the scale dictate my life.
I confess that my heart is selfish, my weight loss goals are all about me, and I have lost weight in my strength. I will not be self-absorbed.
I am giving You all my thoughts about my image. My cravings will not control me. With Your help, Papa I will set my mind on Your heavenly call, not on my desire to taste good food.
My diet is about my desire to honor You, my King! I belong to You, Honoring You with my body is my spiritual act of worship. (Romans 12:1)
I believe that you will give me all I need to be Your best—not for my glory but Yours.
You love me no matter what I eat or how much I weigh. You know that I battle with enjoying myself when I feel unhealthy and out of control.
I see You, Lord. I feel Your loving arms around me; Your gaze is looking deep within me. I Hear You…

My Child,

Your body is unique to me. I created every part of you. The shape of your face, the color of your skin, the sound of your voice are fearfully and wonderfully made. I made you in My image, and I love you. My daughter, don’t waste another day worrying about what you look like or how much you weigh. Come to me every morning and look at me.

I am your mirror. Let me design your diet; let me be your strength to be transformed into the image I have created you to be. You are not alone; I am here right beside you, guiding you to accept the freedom and peace with yourself that awaits you.
I am your King, your Identity.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”
(3 John 1:2)

Say Hallelujah!

 Elohim, Yahweh, Adoni,

third force
Here I am, Papa
Your servant is listening
I come before you with thanksgiving and praise –
I am thankful for my life, my body, my sight, my hearing… I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You.
You knew me before I entered the womb. Forgive me Jesus for all the times I thought terrible things about myself.
Forgive me for comparing myself to other imperfect beings.
You made me for your pleasure.
Let me bow down to you in cheerful submission to your will.
Let me kneel before your presence in reverence to your power.
You are my maker, my creator. Every time I think negative self-degrading thoughts about myself, I am ungrateful, and I miss your blessing. I lose more excellent knowledge of my purpose.
You are my God. My Heavenly Father, I am your child, your daughter! You are my King!
Today, I will sing a new song. I praise your Holy Name – you are my healer – for high is the Lord and worthy of praise!
I will sing a new song for you have done marvelous things!
I shout for Joy unto you because you know me.
Today, I will be careful to walk with a blameless heart
I will set before my eyes no vile thing
O Father, Watch over all my friends. Grant them strength, just for today. Hear their prayers, O Lord.
Bless them and keep them; Make your face shine on them and give them peace. Amen.

Please note that in my February 6 post I spoke of being covered in happiness. I want to explore what is happy with you.                  On the Journey with ya!


How Do I Feel?

Good Morning Papa
Today marks EXACTLY five months that we have been in Texas – 5 months in a 10×15 foot room. In this spiritual cocoon, I have become whole. I have felt angry, despair and abandonment. My soul is shaped and reshaped. Papa, You would not let me give up on hope. How could I ever doubt you?
I am thankful for the eternal confidence that you give me. I am confident that you are keeping Ray and me for unique situations. Meanwhile, we are learning to love you more. We are learning to love each other better.
Papa, I love you because you listen to me and you know me. You give me the best. You teach me to suffer long. You show me how to wait for you.

When I slow down in my thinking, I catch up to Your grace.
You are my rock and my refuge. I can do all that you ask. You take away fear and doubt because your love is all-powerful.
Your love is sufficient.
I can’t love and hate at the same time. You teach me self-control. You show me how to say “NO” to ungodliness and worldly passions. I bow to you in gratitude.

How do I feel? I feel complete.

I want my friends and my loved ones to know the YOU in me.
I want to learn how to express Your greatness and Your beauty.
How do I feel about your love, your unmerited favor, your forgiveness, and mercy?
I feel deep happiness. I feel validated and safe. I feel sure that your invisible hand guides my steps.
I especially feel that I want to love you back by seeking You first.
What is marvelous about this is that my wanting to love you is YOUR DESIRE!
How exciting to know that you fill me with what you want me to have!
Thank you, Papa for being an effervescent light, always glowing, always pumping out love in neon colors of purple, yellow and orange.
You cover me with happiness.
I want to be under the shade of your grace forever.  Amen.